Monday, June 14, 2010

My husband has been working hard in the yard, and I got thinking about the long-ago when I did that occasionally. Yard work means weeding, and there are all kinds of weeds. Some are huge, taller than the surrounding plants, and seem to have sprung up overnight. You can grab hold, pull, and they come right out. Then you have insidious little weeds like morning glory. They don't seem so bad, but the roots go to the center of the earth, and they eventually cover everything. Weeds are a lot like faults--sometimes the big garish ones are the easiest to get rid of, while the little morning-glory types like procrastinating and being critical take constant vigilance. When I start focusing on the blatant failings of others, that's when I need to go back to weeding my personal morning glory.


  1. Great analogy! Sounds like the beginning to a sacrament meeting talk on repentance, or eternal progression, or not judging, etc. And thanks for what you said about me in your profile. I agree with the saying, "Behind every best husband is a better wife," or does it start, "In front of . . . ?
    Love you.

  2. So true Mom, I'll be looking forward to reading more of your wonderful insights!
