Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Time to Consider

Thursday is the day--more surgery.  We hope it will make things better, but the doctor has to tell us everything that could possibly go wrong, including possible death.  Pretty sure that's not going to happen, but just the thought makes me contemplate my life.

I am incredibly blessed.  I feel surrounded by love.  I have amazingly talented, funny, caring children, and grandchildren who always make me smile.  I have a husband who is so good he should be translated.   I have friends who bring treats to reading group and take me anywhere I need to go.  I have the peace that comes from the gospel.  I can look out my window and see Timpanogos in all its seasons, or in the front, the colorful flowers in the window box.  On a less exalted level, I have my iPad to keep me from going crazy and we just got Netflix, so I can watch old TV shows when I can't sleep.

I can say without hesitation that I wouldn't trade my life, pain and all.  The good things are infinitely better than the bad things are bad.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


     A couple of years ago, I started saying I was listless in every sense of the word.  What started out as a semi-clever play on words turned into a pretty tired bromide.  Last week I started wondering if it were even true. If I'm referring to list-less as in having no lists, it's definitely true.  Listless as in lacking energy--also true.    Listless as in lacking interest--not true.  I am interested in all sorts of people and things.  (I learned that the word listen comes from list or lean towards someone to show interest,  which in itself is interesting.)  List as in leaning sideways, like a ship listing in the wind--definitely true as well.  I always list, especially when I'm moving.  So I guess the final result of all this pondering and rambling is that I am mostly listless, with a tiny bit of listfulness thrown in.
Happy New Year!